Recently Updated Pages
Špatné zobrazení detailu
Otázka Co dělat, když mám problémy se zobrazováním detailu? Odpověď V dynamickém detailu se ...
Známé chyby při spuštění
Při spuštění EaInfoportT3 mohou nastat následující chyby: Ve verzi je problém se spuště...
Problem with license key
Question What should I do if there is a problem with my license key? Answer You need to dele...
Jak vytvořit link na repository
Jakmile máme EA model uložený do databáze je potřeba vytvořit zástupce pro připojení (shortcut), ...
EA Database
Choose the type of database in which the EAP is connected using EA and write its connection strin...
Creating and editing a repository
Appearance EA Shortcut EA Database Examples of Connection Strings
EA Databáze
EA Databáze Zvolíme si typ databáze, v které máme připojený EAP pomocí EA a napíšeme její connec...
Vytvoření a editace repozitáře
Vzhled EA Shortcut EA Databáze Příklady Connection Stringů
Recent Maintenance
If the user selects "Recent Maintenance" and fills in how many recent days they want to see cha...
Recently Discussed Elements
If the user selects "Recently discussed artifacts" and fills in how many recent days they want ...
Default diagram settings
By clicking on the icon the administrator can set a default diagram for the view. Once the ico...
Delete a Glossary
To delete a glossary, a user must be assigned the "Portal Administrator, Repository Administrator...
Edit a Glossary
To edit a glossary, a user must be assigned the "Portal Administrator, Repository Administrator, ...
Creating a Glossary
To create a glossary, a user must be assigned the "Portal Administrator, Repository Administrator...
Personal view
To add (diagram, package, element, attribute or operation) you need to click the icon. When ...
Overview of notification subscriptions
The administrator must set up an e-mail server in Configuration Manager to send notification e-ma...
Changing the Password
In this form, the user has the option to change their password.At the moment, there are no enforc...
Login with a user account
In order for a user to log in with a user account (i.e., a username and password), the user mus...
User Settings
After clicking on the tab, the user will see the user settings.After clicking on the “Profile” ...
Login with a Visitor Account
Administrators of individual repositories can allow access to their repositories using a Visito...