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Nastavení připojení k Infoportu
V této sekci konfigurujeme přístup portálu do databáze s jeho metadaty (vytvořili jsme ji v kroku...
Infoport Connection Settings
In this section, we configure the portal's access to the database with its metadata. (We created ...
EA Shortcut
To create a shortcut, you must have Enterprise Architect installed and be connected to the EA rep...
Known Startup Errors
The following errors may occur when running EaInfoportT3: Untrusted zip error If a user sees ...
Backup - DiskDirectory
Adresář na disku, do kterého jsou ukládány zálohy odmazávaných baselines. Po nastavení všech pot...
Backup DbTable
Tabulka v databázi pro ukládání záloh odmazávaných baselines.Může být součástí přímo schématu EA ...
Vytvoření souboru appsettings.json
Stáhneme si EA Baseline Manager Extrahujeme si složku do nově vytvořené složky Otevřeme aplika...
Připojení k www portálu
Kde naleznete www portál pro přístup k vašemu modelu přes HTTPs Portál naleznete na adrese: htt...
Required Hardware
The Enterprise Architect Information Portal requires the following hardware to function properly....
EA Shortcut
EA Shortcut Pro vytvoření Shortcut je potřeba mít nainstalováný Enterprise Architect a být připo...
Why can't LDAP login/logout?
Question Why can't LDAP login/logout? Answer Since version 8.0.1.x, we have normalized Windo...
Požadovaný hardware
Enterprise Architect Information Portal vyžaduje, ke svému správnému fungování, následující hardw...
What happens if a user connects an EA repository to the infoportal and then migrates the database data?
Question What happens if a user connects an EA repository to the infoportal and then migrates ...
Unable to view new models in Infoportal with basic permissions
Question I have connected the repository to the Infoportal. In Enterprise Architect I created ...
Unable to finish service due to mysql date in db
Question What to do in case of error Unable to convert MySQL date/time to System.DateTime, set...
How does an administrator log into Infoport for the first time?
Question How does an administrator log into Infoport for the first time? Answer The...
User synchronisation against Enterprise Architect does not work
Question What should I do if my user does not synchronise against Enterprise Architect? Answe...
The “back” function is not supported by the browser
Question What should I do if I want to use the “back” function in the browser from the portal?...
Migration error
Question What to do if the following error occurs during migration?(Column 'AspNetUsers.Id' is...
If an EA repository cannot be connected due to an incorrect EAP password (EAP file path, Username or Password is not valid)
Question If, while connecting the EA repository, the system reports “Path to EAP file, Usernam...