Recently Updated Pages
Repository Detail
If we have selected “repository detail”, we can edit the repository.We can change its name, descr...
Assigning Permissions to Users
We have chosen the blue “Users” button.Now we have the List of users to whom a certain permissi...
Assigning Permissions to Groups
We have chosen the blue “Groups” button.Now we have the List of groups to which a certain permi...
Permission Management
If “Permission Management” is selected, we will get to the List of permissions in the repository....
Delete a Group
We have chosen the red “Delete” button, and now we can delete the selected group.After another ...
Edit a Group
We have selected the yellow “Edit” button in the List of Users.Now we can edit the selected gro...
Assigning Permissions to a Group
We have chosen the blue “Permissions” button.Now we have the List of assigned permissions of a ...
Assigning Users to a Group
We have chosen the blue “Users” button.Now we have the List of Assigned Users of a specific gro...
Creating a New Group
We have chosen the green “Create” button in the list of groups, and now we can create a new gro...
Group Management
If we have chosen the group management, we will get to the “List of Groups” in the repository. ...
Remove a User
We have chosen the red “Remove” button, and now we can remove the selected user.After another c...
Edit a User
We have selected the yellow “Edit” button in the List of Users.Now we can edit the selected use...
Assigning Permissions to a User
We have chosen the blue “Permissions” button.Now we have the List of Assigned Permissions of a ...
Assigning Groups to a User
We have chosen the blue "Groups" button.We got to the List of Assigned Groups of a specific use...
Creating a New User
We have chosen the green “Create” button in the List of Users.The “Login name” and “Email” fiel...
User Management
If we have chosen User Management, we will get to the “List of Users” in the repository. Here ...
Repository Management
On the right side of the Infoport header we can see a Dropdown menu called Repository Management ...
Setting user and group permissions
There are 3 levels of authorisation: The lowest permission is "Reader", who can see the publis...
Rights in the publishing module
For each section, you can set your own permissions.If a section does not have a permission set, t...
Setting default section rights
The default section rights settings can be found under the "Edit" icon. The user will be pre...