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Filtrování Přístupových klíčů

Uživatelský manuál Přístupové klíče

Filtrovat Přístupové klíče je možné dle kritérií: Uživatel Název diagramu EA Guid Datum v...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Převod Přístupových klíčů smazaných uživatelů

Uživatelský manuál Přístupové klíče

V spodní části obrazovky klikneme na "Volba uživatele". Po zvolení uživatele určíme, které přís...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Firewall Settings on the Server

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

In the standard way (according to the used firewall), enable the port (for incoming requests), on...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Preparing an empty database (or schema) for EA Infoport metadata

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

To install Infoport, you need to have an empty schema created in the database that you want to us...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Run force | check

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

It checks at regular one-minute intervals whether EaInfoport is running.If not and the value of t...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Prereq force | check

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

Each time you run InfoportLauncher.exe, the program verifies that the environment is eligible to ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Clear automatic | manual

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Stop automatic | manual

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Start automatic | manual

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Port 00000

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

The Port parameter is used only when installing and starting the EaInfoport system for the first ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Version "* * * *"

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

You can use the Version parameter to filter which updates the administrator wants to install. The...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Source ftp | file

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

Switch between automatic and manual download of zip files with updates. If we set ftp, then Infop...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Trigger "* * * * *"

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

This parameter sets the period during which InfoportLauncher.exe performs its activity. The stand...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová


Installation Manual Installation Procedures

InfoportLauncher.exe can be run with the following parameters: „InfoportLaunch -Trigger -Source ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

How the Program Works

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

The program first checks the basic requirements for the environment in which it is running.If it ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová


Installation Manual Installation Procedures

InfoportLauncher.exe is a program for installing and updating the EaInfoport system.It autonomous...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Setting an Element Size in a Diagram

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

Settings required for each project! If you want to use Infoport to edit a diagram, open Ente...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Optimal Zoom Setting

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

The quality of diagram display in EaInfoport depends on the setting of a special Scale parameter ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Create a Link to the Repository

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

Once we have the EA model stored in the database, it is necessary to create a shortcut that will ...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová

Save an Enterprise Architect Model to a Database

Installation Manual Installation Procedures

If you do not have any EA model yet, create it (or open a sample one). In the Enterprise Archi...

Updated 5 months ago by Karolína Kavanová