Recently Updated Pages
Historisation of Published Diagrams
Historical artifacts (these are artifacts that have expired publications) are used to preserve re...
Approval of Publications
If approval of diagrams is required in a section, then the diagram will be displayed in the secti...
Publishing a Diagram
The publishing of the diagram is done from the repositories. Publication can be done by any user ...
Publication statuses
Published Diagram Approval of Publications Historisation of Published Diagrams Logging Chang...
Delete a Section
Deleting a section is used to delete that section, while also deleting subordinate sections and p...
Edit a Section
In the section being edited, the user can edit the "section name", "section description", "sectio...
Creating a Section
Sections can only be created by a user who has been assigned the "Owner" role in the current or p...
Move the section
The user can change the order of each section. To change the order, the user clicks on the "Orde...
Publication Module Structure
The use of the publishing module is suitable, for example, for process books, company IS architec...
The basic building block of the publication are the so-called "Sections", which correspond to dif...
Creating a View
If the user has rights to edit the tree, right-click on the "Package" from which you want to crea...
Turning repository tree editing on/off
If the user checks the small icon in the upper left part of the tree, the tree will switch to act...
Vytvoření pohledu
Pokud má uživatel práva k editaci stromečku, pravým tlačítkem klikne na "Package", ze kterého chc...
Zapnutí/vypnutí editace stromečku repozitáře
Pokud uživatel zaškrtne malou ikonku v levé horní části stromečku, stromeček se přepne do aktivní...
InfoportLauncher can not install the version via "-Source file"
Question: InfoportLauncher can not install version via "-Source file", in cmd it pops up "Update...
Příklady Connection Stringů
Examples of Connection Strings
Oracle: "InfoportConnection_Oracle" fill in: "DATA SOURCE=(DESCRIPTION=(ADD...
List of Access Keys
newer versions - Whenever a user...
To remove an access key
In the access key list, the user sees the active keys.He can use the filter to find the key and i...
Transfer of access keys
At the bottom of the screen, click on "User Selection". After selecting the user, specify which a...