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539 total results found
Zobrazení repozitáře
Uživatel si může zobrazit obsah, aktuálně zvoleného repozitáře, kliknutím na příkaz „Repozitář“. Po kliknutí na příkaz „Repozitář“ se zobrazí příslušný formulář, v jehož levé půlce je zobrazen stromeček repository, s obsahem uspořádaným tak, jak jej zobrazu...
Základní popis uživatelského rozhraní repozitáře
Formulář (obrazovka) repozitáře obsahuje několik základních prvků, které jsou popsány podrobně v dalších kapitolách tohoto dokumentu.Zde se uvádí jejich přehled a stručný popis. Stromeček repository Skrývání stromečku repozitáře Zapnutí/vypnutí edita...
Nastavení dynamického detailu
Nastavení dynamického detailu umožňuje uživateli přizpůsobit si viditelnost různých prvků v detailu elementu, diagramu, záložky apod. To znamená, které informace (název, popis, veze elementu, záložky jako jsou atributy, operace, vazby apod.) se mají či nemají ...
Configuration Manager
After filling in the form, press the button and if everything is filled in correctly, it will appear in each section . Then press the button and wait until the entire Configuration Manager is set up and saved. This page pops up, where we just delete /S...
Show Password
After checking the checkbox, all passwords in the configuration manager will be displayed.
Login with a user account
In order for a user to log in with a user account (i.e., a username and password), the user must first be set up with an account by the portal administrator, or by the administrator of the individual repositories. Note that the portal user accounts are sepa...
Login with Active Directory
In addition to logging in with a username and password, EaInfoportT3 supports login via AD/LDAP. If EaInfoportT3 is configured via AD/LDAP, the user does not enter a username and password but is logged in in the background. The login form (with fields for ent...
Login with a Visitor Account
Administrators of individual repositories can allow access to their repositories using a Visitor Account.This technical account does not require a username and password to log in when using it.The repository administrator can set which data a user can see in...
Initial login by administrator
The administrator logs in for the first time using the login credentials: Username: adminPassword: P@ssw0rd We recommend changing your password after the first login!
User interface description
Once the user successfully logs in, the following screen will be displayed: This screen consists of several sections: Basic menu – this bar, at the top of the screen, contains access to basic functions. It is usually always displayed and its appearance may...
Manual Logout
The user can log out by clicking on the “Logout” button (Depending on the application language setting).The user will find this button in the right part of the main menu. After logging out, he/she is redirected back to the login screen.
Automatic Logout
Automatic logout occurs if the user is idle in the portal for a certain period of time.This period of time depends on the specific settings of the portal. After automatic logout, the user is (after another click) redirected to the homepage of the Infoport.
User Settings
After clicking on the tab, the user will see the user settings.After clicking on the “Profile” tab, a user can change username, email, first name, last name, department and set up an alert subscription summary..Changes will be saved after filling out the for...
Selection of Preferred Language
Under the flag, you can choose the language of the application.You can choose from 2 application languages by clicking on the flag icon: Czech language English language The choice of language only applies to the translation of the user interface, not to the...
Changing the Password
In this form, the user has the option to change their password.At the moment, there are no enforced rules for the new password, neither for the strength of the password nor for its expiration. If such rules need to be enforced, the portal needs to be connected...
Overview of notification subscriptions
The administrator must set up an e-mail server in Configuration Manager to send notification e-mails to users. If a notification system is set up, then in this section the user can see all their set notifications. Click on the icon to see a Overview of No...
Personal view
To add (diagram, package, element, attribute or operation) you need to click the icon. When clicked, the icon is filled in and this means that the (diagram, package, element, attribute or operation) is added to the "Personal View" section.
Creating a Glossary
To create a glossary, a user must be assigned the "Portal Administrator, Repository Administrator, or Glossary Editor" permission. After clicking on the "Create" button, the user is redirected to the "Create Glossary" table. The table can be filled with the...
The user can choose whether to use search: Simple search Advanced search EA Path search GUID search Diagram search
Simple search
In a basic search, only elements are searched, and only some of their fields typically (name, note, alias, etc.). The user can also choose whether to search Exact match - searches only for elements that match the search phrase Case-sensitive - case-sensitiv...