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536 total results found
Jde o zcela jiný pohled na repository EA - publikace vybraných diagramů v libovolně definované struktuře. Při použití této funkce mohou být byznys uživatelé odstínění od často košaté struktury modelů v EA a prohlížet modely ve struktuře, která je jim blízká. T...
Správa repozitáře
V každém repozitáři existuje několik základních oprávnění, které se dají přiřadit uživateli nebo skupině. Přístup ke stromečku repozitáře Přístup k publikaci Správce repozitáře Editor Glosáře Přístup k pohledům Oprávnění pro publikaci veřejných klíčů
Správa portálu
Správu portálu může vidět jen přihlášený uživatel s oprávněním Správce portálu.
Login to the app
This chapter describes the options for logging into EaInfoportT3. The portal supports several login methods, which are described in the following chapters. Login can be manual (for example, using a user account or a visitor account) or automatic (in the bac...
Basic Description of the User Interface
The basic concept of the user interface consists of several basic elements, which will be described in this chapter.
Logout of the Application
The user can log out of the application manually or can be logged out automatically due to inactivity.
Management of Own User Account
Users of the portal can adjust the details of their account, set the language in which they want to have the user interface of the portal and other details. The “User Settings” function is used for this purpose. To open the user settings, it is necessary to ...
Bookmarks - favorites
EA Infoport supports a bookmarking system. Each user has their own bookmarks (this is actually similar to favorites) and can add selected packages, elements and diagrams from the main tree. This is useful, for example, if the user is working on only one projec...
EA Infoport can display the Enterprise Architect repository dictionary (this is standard EA functionality). The dictionary consists of a term, a type (general dictionary, product dictionary, etc.), and its meaning. It is particularly useful for explaining the ...
Full-text Search
The information portal supports full-text searches throughout a model repository. The searched elements/diagrams are displayed in a list that can be filtered or sorted. You can view the detail of the searched elements or find them in the tree.
Repository (Repository Browser)
The repository shows the physical structure of the repository, i.e. the hierarchy (tree) of packages, elements, diagrams and other elements. Its functionality is similar to a browser (or repository browser) in the Enterprise Architect tool and it displays dat...
Views allow you to take a specific part of the tree and display it in a separate section. Thus, if, for example, a company's process model, organizational structure, architecture design, etc. is deeply embedded in the repository structure, this functionality ...
This is a completely different view of the EA repository - publishing selected diagrams in an arbitrarily defined structure. By using this feature, business users can be shielded from the often convoluted model structure in EA and view models in a structure th...
Repository Management
There are a basic permissions in each repository that can be assigned to a user or a group. Access to the repository tree Access to the publication Repository administrator Editor Glossary Access to views Access to publish public keys
Portal Management
Portal administration can only be viewed by a logged-in user with Portal Administrator privileges.
Auditní logy
Infoport nyní umožnuje logovat změny v Enterprise Architect databázi, změny v Infoport oprávněních, přihlášení, odhlášení uživatelů a stavové kódy HTTP ze serveru. Tyto logy nazýváme Audit logy a ukládáme je do .csv souborů.
Audit Logs
Infoport allows you to log changes in the Enterprise Architect database: • changes in Infoport permissions • user logins/ logouts • HTTP status codes from the server We call these Logs Audit and we save it in .csv files.
Oprávnění na balíčku
Přístupové klíče
Access Tokens
Problem with license key
Question What should I do if there is a problem with my license key? Answer You need to delete the appsettings.json configuration file in the infoport installation folder, restart the server and run the basic localhost and reconfigure the application Or...
Search with Czech characters does not work
Question I don't see Czech characters in the full-text search. What is wrong? Answer You probably do not have the coalesce set correctly on the DB (database installation in which you have created EA repository).
Setting an Element Size in a Diagram
Question After adding an element to a diagram, the element has the wrong size. What to do? Answer In Enterprise Architect, click on Configure, then on Options. In the window that will open, click on Cloud and check the option Auto create Diagram Image and...
The diagram image is too small
Question The diagram image that I see is too small. Why? Answer The diagram value must be set to 400% and the Image Memory Limit to 256 (Optimal Zoom Setting).
Can I rename the EaInfoport.exe file?
Question Can I rename the EaInfoport.exe file? Answer No, InfoportLauncher would not be able to recognise the currently running version.
Inappropriate display of a detail
Question What to do when I have troubles with displaying a detail? Answer In a dynamic detail, the width of the field must be set.
Inappropriate display of the chart
Question What to do when I see the client’s chart displayed incorrectly, but it is correct in the portal? Answer If you see the client’s chart displayed incorrectly (distorted graphic), but it is correct in the server, it may be due to incorrectly install...
After editing, the change does not appear in the Enterprise Architect
Question What to do when the change does not appear in Enterprise Architect after editing in the portal? Answer You need to right-click on “package” in Enterprise Architect. We click on “contents” and then choose “reload current package”. Thus the package...
If an EA repository cannot be connected due to an incorrect EAP password (EAP file path, Username or Password is not valid)
Question If, while connecting the EA repository, the system reports “Path to EAP file, Username or Password is not valid” in the configuration manager and you are sure that the name and path are correct, how to solve the problem? Answer Check the username...
Migration error
Question What to do if the following error occurs during migration?(Column 'AspNetUsers.Id' is not of same collation as referencing column 'VisitedDetails.UserId' in foreign key 'FK_VisitedDetails_AspNetUsers_UserId'.Could not create constraint or index. Se...
The “back” function is not supported by the browser
Question What should I do if I want to use the “back” function in the browser from the portal? Answer When switching between repositories or a portal, the “back” function is not supported by the browser.
User synchronisation against Enterprise Architect does not work
Question What should I do if my user does not synchronise against Enterprise Architect? Answer Make sure that the user has access to the repository. The portal administrator is not automatically taken as a repository user and has to be exactly assigned to...
How does an administrator log into Infoport for the first time?
Question How does an administrator log into Infoport for the first time? Answer The administrator logs in for the first time using the login credentials:Username: adminPassword: P@ssw0rdWe recommend changing your password after the first login!
Unable to finish service due to mysql date in db
Question What to do in case of error Unable to convert MySQL date/time to System.DateTime, set AllowZeroDateTime=True or ConvertZeroDateTime=True in the connection string. See ? Answer If this error occurs, i...
Unable to view new models in Infoportal with basic permissions
Question I have connected the repository to the Infoportal. In Enterprise Architect I created a new root node (new model), but unfortunately in Infoportal the user with basic permissions cannot see it. How to solve this problem? Answer In version 7.x, the...
What happens if a user connects an EA repository to the infoportal and then migrates the database data?
Question What happens if a user connects an EA repository to the infoportal and then migrates the database data? Answer The InfoPortal will not be able to properly evaluate its own permissions on packages.A new button has been added to repository editing...
Požadovaný hardware
Enterprise Architect Information Portal vyžaduje, ke svému správnému fungování, následující hardware. Název Minimální Doporučené RAM 4 GB 8 GB HDD 50 GB 150 GB CPU Intel® Pentium Dual-Core® Intel® Penti...
Požadovaný software
Enterprise Architect Information Portal vyžaduje, ke svému správnému fungování, následující software a knihovny. Podporované databáze: Název Minimální Doporučené Popis MySQL 5.7.7.x 8.+ PostgreSQL 12 14 Oracle 12c+ 2019 ...
Instalace a konfigurace programu Enterprise Architect
Skládá se postupně z těchto kroků: Instalace samotného programu Enterprise Architect Instalace databáze Instalace ODBC driverů pro přístup do databáze Nastavení optimálního zoomu v Enterprise Architect Jako hlavní složku pro instalace aplikací firmy D...
Instalace programu Enterprise Architect
Z stáhneme soubor easetupfull.exe nebo ealite.msi a uložíme ho na lokální disk (například do složky C:\EAInfoport). Spustíme soubor easetupfull.exe nebo ealite.msi Pomocí průvodce nainstalujeme aplikaci Přečteme si a potvrdíme ...