This is a completely different view of the EA repository - publishing selected diagrams in an arbitrarily defined structure. By using this feature, business users can be shielded from the often convoluted model structure in EA and view models in a structure that is close to their own. This structure can be arbitrarily defined by department, project, customer or otherwise.
The basic building block of the publication are the so-called "Sections", which correspond to dif...
Publication Module Structure
The use of the publishing module is suitable, for example, for process books, company IS architec...
Move the section
The user can change the order of each section. To change the order, the user clicks on the "Orde...
Creating a Section
Sections can only be created by a user who has been assigned the "Owner" role in the current or p...
Edit a Section
In the section being edited, the user can edit the "section name", "section description", "sectio...
Delete a Section
Deleting a section is used to delete that section, while also deleting subordinate sections and p...
Publication statuses
Published Diagram Approval of Publications Historisation of Published Diagrams Logging Chang...
Publishing a Diagram
The publishing of the diagram is done from the repositories. Publication can be done by any user ...
Approval of Publications
If approval of diagrams is required in a section, then the diagram will be displayed in the secti...
Historisation of Published Diagrams
Historical artifacts (these are artifacts that have expired publications) are used to preserve re...
Logging Changes in a Publication
All changes to the published diagram (publication, approval, rejection, adding to another section...
Historical Publication
Historical artifacts (these are artifacts that have expired publications) are used to preserve re...
Setting default section rights
The default section rights settings can be found under the "Edit" icon. The user will be pre...
Rights in the publishing module
For each section, you can set your own permissions.If a section does not have a permission set, t...
Setting user and group permissions
There are 3 levels of authorisation: The lowest permission is "Reader", who can see the publis...