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The EA Information Portal supports a package-level permission system (repository browser tree branches), both read and (as of version 7.5) write.

It is therefore possible to restrict the reading of parts of the model to specific groups or users. This functionality is not available in Enterprise Architect itself.

It is therefore possible to restrict access of certain users to (for example) specific projects, sensitive processes, risk analyses, strategic business models, etc.

The rights are applied hierarchically from the package on which they are set downwards.

In this context, a new role is introduced in EA Infoport - the owner of a process part. This role will be able to assign read, write (and other) rights to the parts of the model it owns (tree branches). The owner can be users or groups. This role is introduced so that the repository administrator (admin) does not have to set all read and write permissions.

Example of use

  • Restricting access of external contractors working on a common project. Everyone can only see what they are allowed to see. 
  • In case of termination of cooperation with a contractor, it is sufficient to terminate access through the EA Information Portal.

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Permissions on the package
