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Recently Discussed Elements

Recently Discussed Elements - days.png

If the user selects "Recently discussed artifacts" and fills in how many recent days they want to see discussed artifacts, a list of artifacts will be displayed.

Recently Discussed Elements.png

The user can click on the "Tree" icon or the "Show Disccution" button.

Recently Discussed Elements1.png

When the user clicks on the "Show Discussion" button, a table with the discussion opens.

Recently Discussed Elements - disccussion.png

Clicking on a line in one of the discussions will expand another line with a response to that comment (if anyone has responded) or display a line with the message "No Replies"

Recently Discussed Elements - disccussion1.png

The user can click on the "Tree" icon stromeček 11.png is redirected to the artifact's repository.

Recently Discussed Elements - tree.png