Startup Jobs
Are processes that are activated only once at the application’s launch and perform actions that need to be performed before users start using the application.
Prefetch Repository Cache Job
Each time the application is launched, a basic part of the repository tree is loaded from the database into the memory cache.
The reason is the acceleration of user’s work while strolling through the tree.
The amount of loaded levels depends on the parameters „Initial Load Cache Deep“ and „Maximum Auto Cache Deep“.
The first one „Initial Load Cache Deep” indicates how many levels have been loaded before the application starts to „obey” and is available for the users.
Here it is suitable to choose 3 to 5 levels.
- The value 3 if the repository is ordered more to the width and there is a larger amount {>>50} of models or packages.
- The value 5 for the packages ordered more into the depth.
If the value of the other parameter „Maximum Auto Cache Deep” is set larger than the first one (7 to 13 is recommended), the data loading into the cache goes on even after the application is available for the users.
It goes on this way gradually up to the depth of the tree that is given by this parameter.
If a random user strolls through the tree deeper than it is set in the parameter for the maximum automatic download (“Maximum Auto Cache Deep”), the cache grows larger with the displayed data.
Other users thus get a significantly accelerated display.
These cached data then (if arranged so) influence how some other jobs (“Regenerate Repository Tree”, “Regenerate Existing Image”, “Regenerate Missing Image”) can work.
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