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Installation Manual

A guide for installation, actualization and manage the EA Infoport application.

This guide contains complete information how to install, maintain, manage and update the application in both manual and automatized way.

Basic Requirements

This chapter contains basic software and hardware requirements for the Enterprise Architect Infor...

Installation Procedures

The installation procedure for commissioning EaInfoportT3 on your own server. All components must...

Enterprise Architect Installation and Configuration

It comprises the following steps: Installation of the Enterprise Architect program Database i...

Installation of the Enterprise Architect program

Download the easetupfull.exe or ealite.msi file from and save it on t...

Installation of the Database to Save Enterprise Architect Model

If a database engine is installed on the computer or available on the network, it is possible to ...

Creating a database for an Enterprise Architect model

Download the database script to create the necessary tables from

Installation and Configuration of ODBC Driver

If you have installed a MySQL database (according to one of the previous chapters), continue with...

Save an Enterprise Architect Model to a Database

If you do not have any EA model yet, create it (or open a sample one). In the Enterprise Archi...

Create a Link to the Repository

Once we have the EA model stored in the database, it is necessary to create a shortcut that will ...

Optimal Zoom Setting

The quality of diagram display in EaInfoport depends on the setting of a special Scale parameter ...

Setting an Element Size in a Diagram

Settings required for each project! If you want to use Infoport to edit a diagram, open Ente...


InfoportLauncher.exe is a program for installing and updating the EaInfoport system.It autonomous...

How the Program Works

The program first checks the basic requirements for the environment in which it is running.If it ...


InfoportLauncher.exe can be run with the following parameters: „InfoportLaunch -Trigger -Source ...

Trigger "* * * * *"

This parameter sets the period during which InfoportLauncher.exe performs its activity. The stand...

Source ftp | file

Switch between automatic and manual download of zip files with updates. If we set ftp, then Infop...

Version "* * * *"

You can use the Version parameter to filter which updates the administrator wants to install. The...

Port 00000

The Port parameter is used only when installing and starting the EaInfoport system for the first ...

Start automatic | manual

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Stop automatic | manual

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Clear automatic | manual

This parameter is used to refine the behaviour of InfoportLauncher.exe during updates.If it is se...

Prereq force | check

Each time you run InfoportLauncher.exe, the program verifies that the environment is eligible to ...

Run force | check

It checks at regular one-minute intervals whether EaInfoport is running.If not and the value of t...

Preparing an empty database (or schema) for EA Infoport metadata

To install Infoport, you need to have an empty schema created in the database that you want to us...

Firewall Settings on the Server

In the standard way (according to the used firewall), enable the port (for incoming requests), on...

Configuration Manager

Used to set up the Infoportal. After running EaInfoportT3.exe for the first time, the console ...

Configuration Manager

After filling in the form, press the button  and if everything is filled in correctly, it will...

Show Password

After checking the checkbox, all passwords in the configuration manager will be displayed.

Licence Key

The licence key will be sent to you by Dataprojekt s.r.o. In the first section, you insert the...

Infoport Database Connection

The first section in the configuration contains the Infoport database settings. (Database schema ...


In the second section, we will determine to which URL Infoport will listen. TLS If you are ...


The third section allows us to set the Infoport logging. The first item is a check box that sa...

Active Directory - LDAP Section

In this section, we set up Active Directory using the LDAP protocol. "Active" tells us if we...


"Active" tells us if we want Infoport to work with OpenID. "Login using OpenId Groups relati...


The first item is a check box that determines whether we want to save published images to the dat...

Infoport in the Background

Infoport in the Background Infoport performs various background functions. Some can be set by a ...


Synchronization with Infoport users is for users from AD. The function is called SynchronizeADU...


We will now discuss the function for synchronizing Sparx users with Infoport users. The functio...

Startup Jobs

Are processes that are activated only once at the application’s launch and perform actions that n...

Scheduler Jobs

Are processes that are activated regularly and serve to keep the application in good conditio...

Regenerate Repository Tree Job

This job is designed for the periodical update of the repository tree, independently of the users...

Regenerate Image

The chart images are generated commonly in two ways. The user may either display a detail of the ...

Regenerate Existing Image Job

This job has to regenerate the formerly created chart images. It recognises whether the chart h...

Regenerate Missing Image Job

This job has to add generation of the not-yet-created chart images and save them to the disc ca...

Clean Dcom Job

This Job is used to remove redundant (typically non-functional) DCOMs from the operating system...

Cleaning Disk Cache Job

This job is used to clean the disk cache. Disk cache is a directory on a disk where diagram im...

Setting an email notification server

We have created three notification services to alert users of changes to the diagram Notificat...

Notification Hour Job

  The basic parameter for each job is information about the frequency with which it will...

Notification Day Job

The basic parameter for each job is information about the frequency with which it will run. It is...

Notification Week Job

The basic parameter for each job is information about the frequency with which it will run. It is...

Database Maintenance

X Frame

The portal administrator now has a new option in the configuration. If you want to enable the XFr...

Application Configuration

Running EaInfoportT3

In the EAInfoportT3 directory, run the EaInfoportT3.exe file. After the application starts (it m...