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Regenerate Missing Image Job


This job has to add generation of the not-yet-created chart images and save them to the disc cache. 
It does not work with the already created and in-cache-saved images in any way, not even if they were outdated. (For this purpose, there is „Regenerate Existing Image”.) 

The switch „Only By Tree Cache” decides whether the generation focuses only on the charts loaded in the memory cache of the tree (see „Prefetch Repository Cache”). 
If this switch is not ticked, the job ensures generating of all chart images that are included in the complete tree.


The last parameter of this job is „Gap Milliseconds”.
It is an interval between the generation acts of individual chart images. 
These are not typically generated one after another, but a time gap is kept here. 
Its purpose is to also enable processing the user’s requirement for generating an image without undue delay. 
The default value of this parameter is 5000 (i.e. 5s), but if we know that during the period of regeneration the users will stay inactive, this parameter can be significantly reduced or set to 0.
