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Information about the repository

If the detail displays the package, element, and element elements (such as class attribute, class operation, activity parameter, and more), the detail screen looks slightly different.
It does not, of course, display the diagram image. However, the amount of "textual" information is much greater compared to the diagram.


The above screenshot is only an example - depending on the portal configuration (or the settings of a particular user), it may differ in the number or placement of specific information.
The configuration of the detail, repository element, will be explained later in this document.

Displayable element detail

Click on the "Account" element in the tree to see the detail.

In the detail you can see:

Name and information about the element with editable status.
The element may contain properties and discussions that are clickable in the blue tabs. The grey tabs are empty and the orange tab indicates the currently selected tab.
In the tab content, you can see that the "Account" element contains seven attributes. 
By clicking on plus.png you can open the detail of the selected attribute.

Package properties

After clicking on the “UML Modeling” package in the tree, the detail will be displayed.

příklad detailu pack.png

  • n the detail, you can see the name and information about the package with editable status.
  • A package can contain properties, discussions and permissions. You can click on them in the blue highlighted tabs. The grey bookmarks are empty and the orange bookmark indicates the currently selected one.
  • The “Permissions” tab is unique to a package. We can use it to set permissions in the selected package.