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List of Access Keys

newer versions -

Whenever a user uses the “Direct Access URL” option, the key for that URL is saved in the access key list.
If a user no longer wants to be able to access the relevant address without a password through this key, he/she has the option to delete it here.


The list of active access keys is available by clicking on the arrow next to the “Repository” tab and in the subsequently expanded submenu on the “Access Key List” tab.


A user sees active keys in the list of access keys.
He/she can use a filter to find the appropriate key, and if he/she wants to remove it, he/she selects this key with the left mouse button and then clicks on the “Remove Keys” button.


To add an access key, a user finds an artefact in the repository and runs the detail – then he/she clicks on the arrow to the right to expand the menu and selects the “Direct Access URL” – then he/she clicks on copy and at this point the key is added to the access key list.

schema 1.png

The key has been added to the access key list.
